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A privilege to represent our @careexpconf team on @BBCBreakfast - Ian Dickson & Carrie Harrop


Updated: Apr 28, 2019

Did you catch @Careexpconf team members Ian Dickson @IDickson258 & Carrie Harrop @CWilson200 on BBC news at 7.20am this morning? They Rocked it!

If you missed it you can watch it here:

Ian Dickson #cep‏ @IDickson258 A privilege to represent our @careexpconf team on @BBCBreakfast with my lovely colleague @CWilson200 from @CareLeavers. Taking about conference, Ben asked "Why has this not happened before?" Very good question - why indeed?
Carrie Wilson-Harrop‏ @CWilson200 Amazing time at the first ever @Careexpconf Then speaking on @bbcbreakfast What I wanted2say (but we ran out of time),was that out of sharing vulnerabilities +exps we left with a feeling of #connection #family #friendship #identity + #selfworth for (some) the first time ever!


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