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CareExpConf Top 10 Messages Infographic
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CareExpConf Top 10 Messages Infographic

The Care Experienced Conference – Past, Present & Future? was a national conference for care experienced people and care leavers of all ages to enable a much-needed debate about the care system past and present. The conference took place on the 26th April 2019 at Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool.  Our aim was for Care Experienced community of all ages and diversity to share their experience and views of how the care system can be improved in future.


Our Care Our Say took place on 7th November 2020 a collaboration with The Care Leavers Association and National IRO Manager Partnership (NIROMP).  The focus is the firm belief that people’s different experiences of Care, through their life course, is of incredible value in developing the focus, aims, delivery and outcomes of the Care Review in England. 


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Photography, painting, sculpture, mixed media, poetry, written work and other mediums were exhibited at the Care Experienced Conference 2019. You can view images of many of the artworks in the Flikr album below.  

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Care Experienced Conference 2019 

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