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Care in the time of COVID


Care in the time of COVID is a new project that explores the day to day lives of care experienced adults in the UK during COVID-19. We want to know how the care community is coping and what helps them. We want to record their experiences in history.

Our project has three aims:

  • To understand how care experienced people are coping during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • To provide a creative outlet and platform for care experienced people

  • To inform research and practice for care experienced people

  • You can only participate if you are over 18, you live in the UK and you have experience of being in care at some point before the age of 18.

If I want to take part, what’s involved?

  • To participate in this research, you will be asked to: 

  • Answer a short survey about your well-being and how you’re coping. It should take no more than 20-30 mins to complete. We will not ask about your care experience, although you can tell us about this if you want to. 

  • Send us a diary entry. This can be written (200 to 600 words), a video or audio entry (3 to 5 mins), a song, music, spoken word or a poem you have written or art you have produced. If you submit some art, please send us a short explanation of what you have created. Everyone who submits a diary entry and completes the survey gets a £15 voucher.

  • There are no right or wrong answers. We are interested in understanding your day to day experiences during COVID-19. (We can also help people to take part if they don't have phones/computers or would prefer to speak to someone.)

  • You can participate in the research every week if you want, but we will provide a maximum of one voucher every two weeks. We will ask for your consent to link your responses. To participate please email us.

We will publish our interim findings when we can and a final report later in 2020 which will be freely available on our website and on our social media channels. 



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Care Experienced Conference 2019 

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