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Call out to all care-experienced PhD Researchers: We Need You! #careexperiencedresearch


As a part of the care experienced conference to be hosted on the 26th April 2019 we wanted to invite you, the care-experienced doctoral community, to write and design a research poster. We want to showcase the talent of people of ALL ages with care-experience. 

We would love to hear from you if you if you are interested in taking part in either (or both!) activity:

A research poster on an aspect of your research- these will be displayed throughout the day giving all delegates an opportunity to learn more about your research interests. All you need to do is design your poster and send it to the team who we will then print and and display it at the Care-Experienced Conference… it’d be great to see you there too!

An opportunity to speak with other care-experienced doctoral researchers your journey to PhD studies, this can include aspects like your journey through care and into childhood, what made you think about going to university and how you managed the financial or emotional aspects of being a care-leaver at Uni.

Share this link which also includes links to published care experienced research:



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Care Experienced Conference 2019 

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