Wishing all our #CareExperienced community who received their A Level results today all the very best. #CareExpConf #teamie Antony Corrigan @TheCareKid whose brilliant interview is in iNews gives some supportive advice based on his experience from his Twitter:
For anyone picking up A-Level results today, if it doesn’t go the way you hope just remember its not the be all and end all. There isn’t one set way to reach your destination. As a friend said, just enjoy the scenic route! The fire in your belly will get you anywhere you want.
In Antony's brilliant iNews interview he explores his #careexperience, education and achievements and how he will be starting his Masters degree in the year ahead!
Ant's great interview is hot on the heels of the excellent #CareConvos @Convos4Care https://conversationsforcare.org/ that took place on Twitter on #Education and #CareExperience - the next will be on 2nd Sept at 8pm on Twitter. Use the # hashtag #CareConvos to join and share your experience.