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CARING FOR BETTER HEALTH An investigation into health needs of care leavers #carecxperiencedresearch


As we are undertaking final preparations to launch the #CareExpConf report we feel it important to #ShoutOut to research that has led the way for raising the profile of the needs of #CareExperienced #CEP people.

You can find some examples of research on our Research page

This report is the culmination of a 3 year project conducted by The Care Leavers Association and funded by the Department of Health Voluntary Sector Investment Programme.

The health and wellbeing needs of care leavers of all ages are largely ignored. Research tells us that looked after children are far more likely to experience negative mental health and physical health issues than their non-care peers. Yet when that child in care becomes a care leaver, and the care leaver becomes an adult, any support that did exist stops. Services become tapered. Access criteria rise. Waiting lists go up. Its as if the state apparatus conveniently forgets everything that went on in the young persons life before and during care. A key conclusion from this project is that we must stop looking at the care system in silos and instead focus on the journey of a whole life and how everything joins and fits together.



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