Imagine if every medical record, school report & family photo from your childhood had been lost. This is the case for thousands of care leavers. This week Jackie Mccartney @jacqueMccartney @Careexpconf team member did an interview with BBC WM about care records access: 1:08-1:15 and then 2:06-2:16 with the assistant director off Birmingham children's trust, replying to the questions about accessing records for care leavers.
In this image of a page of her care records Jackie shows the level of redaction some care leavers are faced with as they search for answers about their past:

On social media Jackie reflected:
"So many people having issues accessing records an it should not be a struggle. They should be helped an support every step of the way. Because it is their life their story.
It was scary and I was nervous. It will not change how my records look or how much black paint was used to block so much stuff out. But I hope it helps in a small way to change things."
Thank you Jackie for sharing your story - the interview really brings home the importance of records & why change is needed and coming together @careexpconf!