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Meet @careexpconf team member Ian Dickson! @IDickson258


I am Ian Dickson. I am care experienced, having spent 16 years in care in the 1950's and 1960's. I experienced good and bad residential and foster care, and spent some time as homeless when discharged from care in 1968.I came into social work in 1973 and retired in 2010, having spent the years in between in a variety of social work and management roles, including social worker, residential service manager,and inspector. I focused mainly on working with adolescent young people in and leaving care, and young people in custody.

I have campaigned to challenge the injustices and improve the quality of care we offer children in state care and the support we offer to them once they leave care pretty much all of my adult life. I see the conference for care experienced people of all ages as a massive step in gaining a voice for care experienced people in determining the care that they receive during and after care as equal partners with the professionals who make the decisions. Looking forward to finally retiring immediately after the conference next April!

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Care Experienced Conference 2019 

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