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OYFtheBook By Snowball @OYFtheBook #careexperiencedstories


Oi You F*cker: Snowball Meets Some Very Toxic People

Take an eye-opening voyage into the harrowing world of 1960s Local Authority childcare. A world of pain, suffering and abuse, systematically inflicted upon defenceless children, by coercive predatory adults. It was a world of unbridled suffering, and relentless pain. This is the story of one child who survived.

Amazon Review by Ian Dickson 13 December 2018:

A great view of residential care a generation ago, from the sharp end!

This book brought back sharp memories of the care system only a generation ago when routine abuse of children in care was common. It is written with the dark contemptuous and savage humour of the child, innocent and helpless to avoid most of the abuses, but expert in survival in the care system, wrapping himself in a hard protective shell of contempt and defiance for his abusers. These experiences were shared by many young people trapped in the care system at this time. The casual descriptions of wholesale casual abuse that no child should ever endure are carefully wrapped in the defiant humour that is instantly recognised by care experienced people. It acts as an anaesthetic against the sheer horrors of their experience. Some may find the book too horrific to read without becoming acutely distressed. I suspect the author has used humour to actually make those horrors more readable. Read for yourself! Ian Dickson.



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