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Rosie's @RosieCanning story of the care experienced conference Art Exhibition(A Postmodern Moment)


Updated: Nov 16, 2019

The Care Experienced Conference @Careexpconf 3 Oct Our @IDickson258 with other #teamies are launching the #careexpconf reports later today at @LiverpoolHopeUK The reports will be free to download via Facebook, Twitter or Thanks for your support. Let’s change recommendations into ACTION.

A story of theCare Exp Conference 26th April, 2019 Art Exhibition @LiverpoolHopeUK Uni by Rosie Canning  @RosieCanning ɌøSiE LøNǤSTøCKiNǤ @Rosie_Canning·3 Oct Some of the #teamies, i.e. me, can't be at the conference report launch which is really sad but for a wonderful reason, granddaughter-sitting-Sadie-Rose. So I thought in celebration of the launch, I'd share some photos from the art exhibition that ran alongside the conference.
A story of theCare Exp Conference 26th April, 2019 Art Exhibition @LiverpoolHopeUK Uni by Rosie Canning @RosieCanning ɌøSiE LøNǤSTøCKiNǤ @Rosie_Canning·3 Oct Some of the #teamies, i.e. me, can't be at the conference report launch which is really sad but for a wonderful reason, granddaughter-sitting-Sadie-Rose. So I thought in celebration of the launch, I'd share some photos from the art exhibition that ran alongside the conference.

What better place to start than with the art exhibition team:  @10PYusuf, The Dame and  @Rodkippen.    There will be more! #careexpconf #myboys
What better place to start than with the art exhibition team: @10PYusuf, The Dame and @Rodkippen. There will be more! #careexpconf #myboys

As with many stories there was of course a #backstory -  @DrDeeMichell and me(!) met at the Foundling Museum for a pre-conference chat where talked all things orphans and #CEP.
As with many stories there was of course a #backstory - @DrDeeMichell and me(!) met at the Foundling Museum for a pre-conference chat where talked all things orphans and #CEP.

 Dee had travelled with hubby to be at the conference.   @FoundlingMuseum #ToBeContinued #careexpconf
Dee had travelled with hubby to be at the conference. @FoundlingMuseum #ToBeContinued #careexpconf

Sometimes there is the need for a #flyleaf - a blank page at the beginning or end of a book. Significant for those with #missinghistories #theforgottenchildren.  This flyleaf though is to acknowledge Dee's reason for attending the #CareExpConf as Chair of one of the workshops.
Sometimes there is the need for a #flyleaf - a blank page at the beginning or end of a book. Significant for those with #missinghistories #theforgottenchildren. This flyleaf though is to acknowledge Dee's reason for attending the #CareExpConf as Chair of one of the workshops.

Or even an #acknowledgement! Dee chaired the workshop that myself and  @kirstycapes  presented 'Care Leaver Experiences of Higher Education PhD Programmes'. You can read about both presentations here via this #Hyperlink:
Or even an #acknowledgement! Dee chaired the workshop that myself and @kirstycapes presented 'Care Leaver Experiences of Higher Education PhD Programmes'. You can read about both presentations here via this #Hyperlink:

#CareExpConf story: @10PYusuf  instructing  @rodkippen  how to move a table. Rod looks as if he is about to collapse from laughter. I was reminded of 1971 Commercial: Dad, do you know the piano's on my foot? You hum it son, and I'll play it.😂  #ToBeContinued
#CareExpConf story: @10PYusuf instructing @rodkippen how to move a table. Rod looks as if he is about to collapse from laughter. I was reminded of 1971 Commercial: Dad, do you know the piano's on my foot? You hum it son, and I'll play it.😂 #ToBeContinued

Sometimes authors insert a #FlashBack  An important historic moment - in the organisation of #CareExpConf -  @10PYusuf  is, and I hope others will back me up, SMILING! Guys this was at one of the early meetings.  What is the arch in the background called?
Sometimes authors insert a #FlashBack An important historic moment - in the organisation of #CareExpConf - @10PYusuf is, and I hope others will back me up, SMILING! Guys this was at one of the early meetings. What is the arch in the background called?

Always try to include a #narrativehook in your story...The whole way through the planning, the emphasis was on creating something special for those with a care exp past. This would be the first time a gathering of this size, a conference would be held.   @_LisaCherry
Always try to include a #narrativehook in your story...The whole way through the planning, the emphasis was on creating something special for those with a care exp past. This would be the first time a gathering of this size, a conference would be held. @_LisaCherry

#Behindthescenes there were lots of conversations all held together by the inimitable  @IDickson258   We were aware the organisation would be quite complex because pieces of art work would need to be in on time, moved about, stored safely, and then eventually properly displayed.
#Behindthescenes there were lots of conversations all held together by the inimitable @IDickson258 We were aware the organisation would be quite complex because pieces of art work would need to be in on time, moved about, stored safely, and then eventually properly displayed.

For me it was important that #literature would be included. We decided to ask people to donate books written by #careexp authors. People's generosity was wonderful including #authors & #academics.  @brixtonbard   @SallyBayley1   @KitdeWaal   @Jenni_Fagan   @HackneyChild   @b_mmcbride
For me it was important that #literature would be included. We decided to ask people to donate books written by #careexp authors. People's generosity was wonderful including #authors & #academics. @brixtonbard @SallyBayley1 @KitdeWaal @Jenni_Fagan @HackneyChild @b_mmcbride

Some stories have artwork or an appendix and the #CareExpConf was no different - the appendix was THE exhibition. We put out the call to our people to submit art pieces in all its forms and they generously responded.  @RoseDevereux1 's office was filled with packages.  ToBeCont...
Some stories have artwork or an appendix and the #CareExpConf was no different - the appendix was THE exhibition. We put out the call to our people to submit art pieces in all its forms and they generously responded. @RoseDevereux1 's office was filled with packages. ToBeCont...

#Setting is an important components of any story no less for the #CareExpConf which was held at the aptly named Liverpool *Hope* University. Organisations were donating goods, we even had t-shirts with our logo printed on. Brochures were being prepared.  @LiverpoolHopeUK
#Setting is an important components of any story no less for the #CareExpConf which was held at the aptly named Liverpool *Hope* University. Organisations were donating goods, we even had t-shirts with our logo printed on. Brochures were being prepared. @LiverpoolHopeUK

The #Plot thickened -some parcels went missing. We worked day & night. As well as art works to be hung there were author displays & a collage of 100 books that featured orphans and care experienced characters. #Resolution happened when the missing packages arrived!  #CareExpConf
The #Plot thickened -some parcels went missing. We worked day & night. As well as art works to be hung there were author displays & a collage of 100 books that featured orphans and care experienced characters. #Resolution happened when the missing packages arrived! #CareExpConf

Overnight the #suspense built, I couldn't sleep. Dawn arrived and sunshine tricked through the curtains. I had forgotten about me! I too was exhibiting in the #CareExpConference. I gathered my belongings and hot-footed it to breakfast.   #Hiraeth #phdchat
Overnight the #suspense built, I couldn't sleep. Dawn arrived and sunshine tricked through the curtains. I had forgotten about me! I too was exhibiting in the #CareExpConference. I gathered my belongings and hot-footed it to breakfast. #Hiraeth #phdchat

A good story needs #conflict - apart from the obvious 'man vs. the system' - the computer and printer stopped working... We managed though. Good luck messages were beginning to arrive. And this one from  @jojowasawoman  was particularly good at #creatingemotion.  #CareExpConf
A good story needs #conflict - apart from the obvious 'man vs. the system' - the computer and printer stopped working... We managed though. Good luck messages were beginning to arrive. And this one from @jojowasawoman was particularly good at #creatingemotion. #CareExpConf

We were ready, people flooded in. The #dialogue had begun:  “The art display was phenomenal, so emotive . The young person I brought took home an amazing piece as his raffle prize, he was in tears over it on the way home because it was so meaningful.”  #CareExpeConf
We were ready, people flooded in. The #dialogue had begun: “The art display was phenomenal, so emotive . The young person I brought took home an amazing piece as his raffle prize, he was in tears over it on the way home because it was so meaningful.” #CareExpeConf

#Characters are the heart and soul of any story and the #CareExpConf had many of those, even the art pieces had their own unique #story   #WingOfHope put together by children in care from the North of England and collated by the lovely  @Rodkippen
#Characters are the heart and soul of any story and the #CareExpConf had many of those, even the art pieces had their own unique #story #WingOfHope put together by children in care from the North of England and collated by the lovely @Rodkippen

A bit of a #postmodern comment here. So,here's a missing bit of the #story!  @Rodkippen
A bit of a #postmodern comment here. So,here's a missing bit of the #story! @Rodkippen

Some stories have #magic and we certainly had lots of that  @Careexpconf   #patterns were beginning to emerge as the #CareExp community were transformed...
Some stories have #magic and we certainly had lots of that @Careexpconf #patterns were beginning to emerge as the #CareExp community were transformed...

Let's not forget the #Protagonists and there were plenty of those at the conference. The university was alight with 🌟🌟🌟 Special artists: @10PYusuf  and his #coatofmanylabels @PoisonPinkDaisy  and her #orphanstones #TheAuthors  #CareExpConf
Let's not forget the #Protagonists and there were plenty of those at the conference. The university was alight with 🌟🌟🌟 Special artists: @10PYusuf and his #coatofmanylabels @PoisonPinkDaisy and her #orphanstones #TheAuthors #CareExpConf

A good report will have excellent references so here's a picture version to the brilliant #orphanstones project. I absolutely loved this and the care with which they were laid out at the conference.   #CareExpConf  #artists
A good report will have excellent references so here's a picture version to the brilliant #orphanstones project. I absolutely loved this and the care with which they were laid out at the conference. #CareExpConf #artists

And here's a cheeky #insert and another picture reference from #artist Yusuf. The #puzzle is a well-used #metaphor but for #CEP it is extraordinarily fitting.
And here's a cheeky #insert and another picture reference from #artist Yusuf. The #puzzle is a well-used #metaphor but for #CEP it is extraordinarily fitting.

What does any good story need? #Readers or an #Audience without these, does a #narrative even exist? The #pace continued as  @_LisaCherry  stepped onto the stage. #DontStopMeNowImHavingSuchAGoodTimeImHavingABall
What does any good story need? #Readers or an #Audience without these, does a #narrative even exist? The #pace continued as @_LisaCherry stepped onto the stage. #DontStopMeNowImHavingSuchAGoodTimeImHavingABall

A good story always has an element of #mystery and the #CareExpConf had that in abundance especially for those doing the conga to their workshops facilitated by some amazing volunteers. Organised by the amazing Dr Hugman  @notjustanumber
A good story always has an element of #mystery and the #CareExpConf had that in abundance especially for those doing the conga to their workshops facilitated by some amazing volunteers. Organised by the amazing Dr Hugman @notjustanumber

Every #story has a halfway point and during a delicious lunch we were very lucky to watch #BELONGING and listen to  @DrumCamfilms  talk about the amazing responses to his film about a boy in #FosterCare.
Every #story has a halfway point and during a delicious lunch we were very lucky to watch #BELONGING and listen to @DrumCamfilms talk about the amazing responses to his film about a boy in #FosterCare.

According to the #Timeline that also meant time to walk round the stalls and meet people who spend a huge amount of their time campaigning for care experienced people. Or collect goodies or a raffle ticket for prizes   @CareLeavers   @CLAN_AU   @ResCareTo21   @SueDickson812
According to the #Timeline that also meant time to walk round the stalls and meet people who spend a huge amount of their time campaigning for care experienced people. Or collect goodies or a raffle ticket for prizes @CareLeavers @CLAN_AU @ResCareTo21 @SueDickson812

#Endings every story needs one. This means saying goodbye to #characters you have got to know & hoping you'll meet them again in another book or if you're lucky a #series!  @whocaresscot   @kenny_murray   @CareLeavers   @jamie_crabb   @PoemsFaRunaway   @PoisonPinkDaisy    #CareExpConf
#Endings every story needs one. This means saying goodbye to #characters you have got to know & hoping you'll meet them again in another book or if you're lucky a #series! @whocaresscot @kenny_murray @CareLeavers @jamie_crabb @PoemsFaRunaway @PoisonPinkDaisy #CareExpConf

Sometimes it's not quite the #ending. Sometimes there is an #epilogue that often serves to reveal the fates of the characters! There may be more than one #ending!  #AllOfUs #Teamies #CareExpConf  #AWonderfulDay
Sometimes it's not quite the #ending. Sometimes there is an #epilogue that often serves to reveal the fates of the characters! There may be more than one #ending! #AllOfUs #Teamies #CareExpConf #AWonderfulDay

Delyth Edwards @delythsedwards: Look at these beauties #CareExpConf
Delyth Edwards @delythsedwards: Look at these beauties #CareExpConf

When the #author misses out an important #chapter after it's published she can add an addendum.  Read & share the #CareExpConf 10 Key messages, Summary & Research Academic Group Reports
When the #author misses out an important #chapter after it's published she can add an addendum. Read & share the #CareExpConf 10 Key messages, Summary & Research Academic Group Reports

Once the story is #published there is often a press release with photos: @IDickson258  presenting Prof. Michael Lavalette  @mlavalette  with copies of the reports from the conference for care experienced people at  @LiverpoolHopeUK  today.   #carefamily
Once the story is #published there is often a press release with photos: @IDickson258 presenting Prof. Michael Lavalette @mlavalette with copies of the reports from the conference for care experienced people at @LiverpoolHopeUK today. #carefamily

Sarah Sturmey @Sturmsy: The fabulous  @Careexpconf  team launching the report this afternoon at Liverpool Hope University. Stunning speeches from  @IDickson258  and  @10PYusuf  ....A man had a dream.....created a dream team....and we can all feel HOPE...
Sarah Sturmey @Sturmsy: The fabulous @Careexpconf team launching the report this afternoon at Liverpool Hope University. Stunning speeches from @IDickson258 and @10PYusuf ....A man had a dream.....created a dream team....and we can all feel HOPE...

Some #endings make you cry. Somebody just sent me a lovely message about my story, thoughts and ideas. Thank you for joining me on a #journey through the Care Experience Conference: The Past, The Present and The Future that took place 26th April 2019, at Hope University.
Some #endings make you cry. Somebody just sent me a lovely message about my story, thoughts and ideas. Thank you for joining me on a #journey through the Care Experience Conference: The Past, The Present and The Future that took place 26th April 2019, at Hope University.



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Care Experienced Conference 2019 

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